Oh My! Costumed Boys...Misha Ge of Uzbekistan (left) and Taksuki Machida of Japan and their very colorful costumes at the Rostelecom Cup/Cup of Russia 2013
FIGURE SKATING Costume Fans: As you know, this past weekend was the Rostelecom Cup/Cup of Russia 2013--the last Grand Prix competition before the Grand Prix Finals of this 2013-2014 Season. I talked about the LADIES and PAIRS of the Rostelecom Cup HERE in my last post. And now, it's time for the MEN and ICE DANCE. Let's get started:
The Men:
Konstantin Menshov Russia, Short Program: Skating his SP to "Coultergeist" by Phil Coulter, Konstantin wore this above: a white loose top with images of Michelangelo's' Sistine Chapel hands, black pants and white gloves. The song is from Phil Coulter's "Highland Cathedral" album and so I surmise that there's religious imagery in the theme. Even then, I kind of don't get it. It's a cool long sleeve t-shirt but other than that, I'm a bit costume-confused.
Tatsuki Machida Japan, Short Program: Japanese male skaterskated his SP toEast of Eden (TV Miniseries Soundtrack) by Lee Holdridge in this white and black costume. I liked the costume but still have no idea what this has to do with "East of Eden" and the TV Miniseries; the costume looks more like something one would wear to Beethoven or Mozart music.

At Hilton HHonors Skate America 2013 and the costume he wore last season (to the same music)--One of the BEST! Note to Taksuki: Please go back to this!
Misha Ge Uzbekistan, Short Program:For his SP to I Still Got Blues, Still Got Rock by Gary Moore, Misha Ge wore this colorful costume. It is VERY "Blades of Glory" and I have to admit, I kinda like it! Yes, it's rather tacky but boy, did it make me sit up and come alive with joy when I saw it. He definitely should get a "Oh No He Didn't" trophy for his very "Hollywood Costume Designer"-designs-a-costume-for-an-actor-playing-a-Figure Skater.
Free Skate: For his FS to World Dance Collection including Neo Tango; Rhumba; Electro; Jive; Rock'n'Roll, Misha did not disappoint. This was a red, black, white, laced-up costume of CRAY-CRAY. I love that Misha--and whoever is designing his costumes, are still stuck in the 1990's era of figure skating. This makes me smile. Yes, it is so tacky and so not chic but it's kind of nice of have some retro...even tacky-licious retro.
Ice Dance:
Ksenia Monko and Kirill Khavalian Russia, Short Dance: For their SD to Quickstep by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, "L-O-V-E-" by Nat King Cole, Russian Ice Dance team Monko and Khavalian wore these costumes above. I thought her costume was so intricate, so well done. Loved the color and Art Deco-like sequin work. And he looked like a very fab waiter with his double-breasted shawl collared jacket and pants look. I just wished he had some royal blue in his costume--to tie her costume to his.
Free Dance: For their FD to Selection by Rene Aubry and selection by Gaetano Donizetti, this Russian Ice Dance pair gave "Venice Gondola"in their costumes. Overall, I liked these costumes, I just wish his pants were more fitted; there's too much thigh-leg excess. Make them stretch woven and thin out the leg. Please! At least, it's an improvement from her wearing "Olivia Newton-John/Let's Get Physical" leg warmers in their last appearance at 2013 Trophée Eric Bompard:
Leg Warmers at At 2013 Trophée Eric Bompard
Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitri Soloviev Russia, Free Dance: For their FD to Music from The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi and "Lacrimosa" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart at the Rostelecom Cup/Cup of Russia 2013, the Russian Ice Dance team of Bobrova and Soloviev changed their costumes! And...I wasn't a fan. These new costumes featured ombre-dyed white-to-blue-to-dark gray...BORING and un-Olympic level material...
Bird Fab: I would LOVE for them to go back to these costume above that they wore for their last Grand Prix appearance Short Program