Gayle and Nick: (L to R) KTLA's Gayle Anderson and Nick Verreos--FIDM Museum & Galleries 8th Annual Outstanding Art of Television Costume Design Exhibition
On Monday of this week, I was up very, very early (4:30 am!) to get ready to head to theFashion Institute of Design & Merchandising/FIDMto film some LIVE TV segments announcing the opening of the fabulous new Exhibition--the 8th Annual Outstanding Art of Television Costume Design Exhibitionat FIDM Museum & Galleries in downtown L.A.
As the FIDM Fashion Spokesperson, I was on with the FABULOUS Gayle Anderson of KTLA Channel 5 and KTLA Morning News talking about this new great exhibition highlighting TV Costume Design and some of the Emmy Award-nominated Costumes...
8th Annual Outstanding Art of Television Costume Design Exhibition--FIDM Museum & Galleries FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising
As a bonus, THE "Downton Abbey"jewelry and tiara designer, Andrew Prince (He's a GEM--LUV him!) was on hand--as a "special guest"--talking about his wonderful designs...
(L to R): "Downton Abbey" tiara and jewelry designer Andrew Prince, KTLA's Gayle Anderson and Nick Verreos--FIDM Museum & Galleries
Jewelry and Tiara Designer, Andrew Prince and model Asha, wearing his designs--FIDM Museum & Galleries
Andrew Prince tiara designs--inspired by "Downton Abbey" and available at the FIDM Museum Shop
In case you missed the LIVE TV Segments...Click on the Videos Below to watch them!*And Click HERE for a Recap--with LOTS of photos--of last weekend's Opening Night Reception for the Exhibition.
Thank You Gayle Anderson for being always so FABULOUS, so PROFESSIONAL, and for stopping by the FIDM Museum and checking out the new Exhibition! Love ya! XOXO