3D Project Runway: (L to R) French Fashion Blogger Garance Doré, Nina Gracia, Zac Posen and Heidi Klum--Episode 2 Project Runway Season 13
Episode 2 of Lifetime's Season 13 "Project Runway"aired this past Thursday. The Challenge theme involved "Film & Fashion" and it was the season's first Unconventional Challenge--which made the designers use materials found in a movie theater to create a fashion look--and they had to do it in teams of 3 (Uh Oh!! Teams!!)...The designers first got up in their rather SPARSE Gotham West Apartments to find a tub of popcorn, 3D glasses and a note:
Light on the Decor--and Pajama Wear: Screen shot of one of the designers' apartments--with a shot of the Popcorn-Note-and-3D Glasses--that was "delivered" to their apartments--oh and yes, designer Mitchell from Ft. Lauderdale sleeps in his very teeny tiny underwear (as seen above)--Season 13 Project Runway Episode 2
Tim Gunn announcing the challenge at the Village East Cinema--Season 13 Project Runway Episode 2
Before I get to my RECAP this week, let's discuss some "highlights":Bossy No. 1 and Bossy No. 2: As the teams were shown working, the episode highlighted the "Red Team" of Hernan, Carrie and last week's winner (and "Miss Unpopular") Sandhya. Designers Hernan Lander and Carrie Sleutskaya were not liking what Sandhya Garg was doing and consequently were being rather bossy in their negative assessment of what "Miss Unpopular' was making.
Unhappy Team: Carrie Sleutskaya, Hernan Lander and Sandhya Garg--Season 13 Project Runway Episode 2
Tim Therapy: As a result of Sandhya being rather "design-bullied" by Hernan and Carrie, she sought the Ego Boost Advice of Tim. As a viewer--and someone who went through "Project Runway: Under The Gunn", all I could think of is Tim thinking in his head "Oh No, NOT AGAIN!!!" This time around, Tim was quite nice and understanding--unlike how he was with Natalia on "Under The Gunn".
Next Therapy Case: Mousy Angela...
"Ummm...I'm Not Sure If I Was Ready To Do This Show..."--32 year-old fashion designer Angela Sum contemplates what she is doing on Season 13 "Project Runway"...without her anti-stress medicine (allegedly!! LOL!)
Not Feeling The Evil: Angela was not onboard "with-the-program" in terms of doing an "Evil" theme (with the rest of her design team of Sean and Fäde)--Season 13 Project Runway Episode 2
Oh, and then there's the "Amateur Hour" Fitting Mess:
Not Getting In: Angela has issues getting her model into her dress/muslin. Oh Dear! Here we go again---I cannot say this enough times (and yes, I am about to go into Professor Nick mode!)--Here are some Tips:
2) And always know if your model can get into it!
3) Oh and NEVER go by the "Model Cards" (in terms of measurements).
4) ALWAYS remeasure your models.
5) And ALWAYS add ease--at least an inch or so EXTRA at the bust, waist, hips.
This is all very "Fashion School 101" and so it still ASTOUNDS me that so-called designers who go on "Project Runway" still get it wrong.
Runway Time:
Green Team: Samantha, Emily, Alexander--I thought they did an excellent job using CD's and film strips. Each design was very high fashion, avant-garde and editorial HOT! My favorite in this team was...
Samantha Plasencia: That top made of cut CD's alone was EVERYTHING!
Purple Team: Mitchell, Char, Kini--I liked this group of dresses--they were very "Barbie-Meets-Katy Perry"; fun, colorful, and original.
Char's movie ticket dress was the best from this team.
Blue Team: Angela, Fäde and Sean--This grouping was good, very good in fact. Except for always-depressed Angela's white concoction on the far left. Please tell me Angela will go home next week. Otherwise, she might need medical assistance for her soon-to-happen nervous breakdown! My favorite here was, of course...
Sean Kelly: This coat-dress made of drinking straws was TOO FABULOUS for words! Sean should go far,--if not WIN--this season; he has the potential (I know, it's only the second week!)
Silver Team: Kristine, Korina, Amanda--I admit that I wasn't a fan of these designs. I liked the bright green background color and the "Barbarella-Meets-60's Go-Go Dancer" vibe but the styles and designs seemed a bit "crafty" for my taste...I was TOTALLY surprised when Designer Amanda Valentine won:
Amanda Valentine, winning design--Season 13 "Project Runway" Episode 2
Red Team: Sandhya, Carrie and Hernan--OK, I didn't hate on this team's design the way the judges did. I liked how they made the film strips look as if they were sequined pailletes. The judges all thought that the dresses looked all the same.
Since Sandhya (center) was safe, it was Carrie (left) or Hernan (right) who would go home...
Bye Carrie!
Season 13, Episode 2: Lights! Camera! Fashion!
Lights! Camera! Fashion! Time for the first (I assume there will be more) unconventional challenge of Season 13. And this one involves both film and fashion. So, kids, it's time to microwave some popcorn, sit back and let the DRAMA -- and fun creations -- unfold!
The episode begins with the 15 remaining designers waking up in their Gotham West pied-à-terre, finding a tub of popcorn, 3D glasses, plus an invitation to a private screening at a Manhattan movie theater. The designers then head to the Village East Cinema, where they sit down to watch a supposed fashion movie trailer...until it is quickly interrupted by Tim Gunn. Tim announces that instead of a fun Movie Day, it’s time for the unconventional challenge: to create a look incorporating their “Movie Experience” by using materials found in a movie theater, from camera and lighting supplies, art department props, costume and wardrobe, to even the concession items. The designers seem pretty excited until Tim tells them that they are to work in teams: Silver Team (Korina, Kristine, Amanda), Purple Team (Char, Kini, Mitchell), Green Team (Emily, Alexander, Samantha), Red Team (Hernan, Carrie, Sandhya), and Blue Team (Angela, Fade, Sean). Each team is to create a cohesive mini collection.
Any time there is a challenge involving teams...
Click HERE to continue reading my Recap on MyLifetime.com